What punky said!
Frazzled UBM
JoinedPosts by Frazzled UBM
Is the Watchtower a secret society?
by marriedtoajw indoes the watchtower teach that keeping secrets is ok?
does its leadership believe that the advancement of the organization hinges on holding back truthful information from prospective members and others who are not in leadership positions?
do you believe that the organization as a whole has a global agenda?
All religions are false, but god is true.
by Domenic ini was a jw for many years.
during those years i learned how to identify a false religion.
all the other religions were easy to prove false.
Frazzled UBM
Viviane - nice one!
All religions are false, but god is true.
by Domenic ini was a jw for many years.
during those years i learned how to identify a false religion.
all the other religions were easy to prove false.
Frazzled UBM
Bizarre - religions are a tool of Satan but God is real...and Satan uses religion to turn people away from God - that is some bizarre and twisted logic...seems you haven't moved on that far even after 18 years...so who are you - the new prophet for God without religion?
Modern Morality .
by jhine inhaving recently been posting on a thread about ot moral values , which are not widely "appreciated " to say the least , i have been thinking about our modern morals about sex and reletionships , or more acurately the lack of any sexual morals todays .
i don't think that we are better off as a society which has gone so far to the do want you want , with whom you want and when you want approach to sexual ethics as we have .
i don't think that women are actually liberated by this attitude .
Frazzled UBM
Jan - I disagree that stable family life is disintegrating - where is your evidence for this? Families remain the core social unit in Western society and thankfully we now recognise same sex marriages as legitimate families - so in that respect family life has expanded. The reasons for some social changes are often economic - the so called sexual revolution and increase in the divorce rate were to some extent a result of increased prosperity, birth control and women becoming more financially independent - whereas previously women stayed in unhappy marriages because they were financially dependent. The decrease in 20 somethings getting marriage reflects the price of real estate mor ethan anything else. Morality reflects societal conditions and has to adapt to those changes in societal and economic conditions. Morality is a man-made set of principles - they are not absolute or set in stone. Your attitudes may be a reflection of the fact that the world has moved on from the world you grew up in which set your moral code (or moral compass). Modern morality is no less valid than the morality you grew up with. STDs have been around for a long time and are no more prevalent now than 50 years ago. It's just they were different back then - Syphillis and Gonorhea dominated then followed Herpes.
As for the Searcher's comment: "All areas of society are reaping the consequences of the "sexual liberation" of previous decades - morally, physically, emotionally, psychologically, and financially - fact!" This is trite - social and political changes in one period have consequences in subsequent periods - duh! How such consequences manifest themselves and whether such consequences are good or bad are a matter of opinion.
US World Power: Time Running Out
by metatron inhttp://www.businessinsider.com/chart-rise-and-fall-of-modern-empires-2014-9.
tick tock...... forget about that daniel image/prophecy stuff.
the process is being accelerated by trying to sanction russia, as they draw closer to china and thereby build an alternative economic system( including a swift banking arrangement of their own).
Frazzled UBM
The problem is that metatron is preoccupied with trying to show that somehow current day events were prophecised in the Bible. This is a fool's errand. Bible passages are what you want them to be. Many in the past (going back 100s of years) tried to show that events in those days were prophecised and were a harbringer of the end of days when this was not the case.
Another dominant power or powers will rise up in due course (maybe in a 100 years time) to repalce US hegemony and that may also be shoe-horned into interpretations of Bible passages. As soon as you want someting to be the case and then look for anything that supports that view and ignore anything that is inconsistent you are captured by confirmation bias and are incapable of objectivity.
Modern Morality .
by jhine inhaving recently been posting on a thread about ot moral values , which are not widely "appreciated " to say the least , i have been thinking about our modern morals about sex and reletionships , or more acurately the lack of any sexual morals todays .
i don't think that we are better off as a society which has gone so far to the do want you want , with whom you want and when you want approach to sexual ethics as we have .
i don't think that women are actually liberated by this attitude .
Frazzled UBM
Jan - sorry but I have to disagree - the real evil of the sex trade is the human slavery aspect - use of financial or physical coercion. Thjat is abhorrent and must be stamped out. In the absence of such coercion, I do not believe it should be criminalised and efforts in that direction have failed over the years.
It is a myth that only men enjoy pornography.
In fact I believe the whole WBTS approach to sex and mastrubation is a form of psychological FGM because unlike men, women's ability to orgasm is directly related to their expertise at masturbation. Women generally have to work out how to achieve it themsleves before they can achieve it with a partner so making it a psychological taboo is almost condemning Witness women to a life without orgasms. Arguably this is done for the same reasons as FGM - that is female orgasms are a threat to male sexual dominance. FGM removes the clitoris to stop it and the masturbation taboo creates a psychological barrier to achieving it.
US World Power: Time Running Out
by metatron inhttp://www.businessinsider.com/chart-rise-and-fall-of-modern-empires-2014-9.
tick tock...... forget about that daniel image/prophecy stuff.
the process is being accelerated by trying to sanction russia, as they draw closer to china and thereby build an alternative economic system( including a swift banking arrangement of their own).
Frazzled UBM
The collapse of the US world dominance is inevitable - it is just a question of time. So what? metatron is pushing his ignorant whacky agenda yet again!
Any stock market investors here?
by EndofMysteries inif so, i was just wondering if there are any books or steps (classes, etc) you took or recommend to really learn it.
and for what you recommend, what exactly do you do?
(long term, short, daytrade, calls, sell high buy low, buy low sell high, etc).
Frazzled UBM
Beware - it is all part of a cycle - anyone can make money in a bull market and that's what we have now after the huge crash of 2007/08. The trick is to know when to get out. The two things that drive financial markets are greed and fear - greed is winning at the moment but it doesn't take much for fear to turn things around. Once investors think they can't lose then a crash is not too far away. The old saying is 'when the taxi driver starts to give you stock tips then sell". I don't know whether you could recoin that as "when people on JWN start talking about day trading as a way to earn a living, sell." Good luck but avoid the bane of financial markets: "Irrational Exuberance".
You're Wrong
by looter ini guess you can tie jehovahs, and any other organized religion with this:.
"if your religion makes you think any people are spiritually inferior to others or.... if your science makes you think some class of people mentally inferior to others or.... if your politics makes you think some people should be politically inferior to others.... .
then you are doing it wrong and you need to rethink your philosophy from first principals.
Frazzled UBM
looter - nicely put
Most of my extended family have no idea my wife is a jw.
by marriedtoajw inyou non-jws who have jw mates or anyone interested in responding.
do you or would you tell extended family that your spouse is a jw.
i ask because i have a couple of other relatives who are jws who pulled away from the family the years ago that caused some hurt to family that use to be close to them.
Frazzled UBM
I gradually told my immdediate family and my cousins who also live in London and who I socialise with because I wanted them all to understand her behavoiur that could be quite off-putting otherwise and also because I needed help when I was battling to keep my son away from the KH. I haven't told the extended family, including my elder son from my first marriage because I don't want my ex-wife to know. My wife is, as Steve so eloquently puts it: "one of a growing number of "inactive" Witnesses who lack the gumption to be either completely in or out."